Useful words in work – 仕事でよく使う、役に立つ言葉
こんにちは! Hi, how are you doing? Selamat Siang! 你们好! Reasons why you should know words often used in work If you start working in Japanese company or you have job interview for Japanese company,...
For all Japanese fan and Japanese language learner
29 May, 2022
こんにちは! Hi, how are you doing? Selamat Siang! 你们好! Reasons why you should know words often used in work If you start working in Japanese company or you have job interview for Japanese company,...
こんにちは! Hi, how are you doing? Selamat Siang! 你们好! Have you been to Japan before? If yes, how many prefectures in Japan do you know and how many prefectures have you visited? Prefectures are...
Accounting consultant & Japanese language and culture teacher.
Livinig in Singapore.
I love teaching, golf, tennis, guitar, eating, drinking etc.
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