Snake Year (Zodiac) へび年(干支) -About the Zodiac-
Snake Year (Zodiac) -About the Zodiac- The year 2025 has begun. Has everyone had a good start to the year? This year’s zodiac sign is the snake. ・What kind of year is it in...
For all Japanese fan and Japanese language learner
29 Jan, 2025
Snake Year (Zodiac) -About the Zodiac- The year 2025 has begun. Has everyone had a good start to the year? This year’s zodiac sign is the snake. ・What kind of year is it in...
3 Jan, 2016
Traditional Osechi ryori in Japan – おせち料理 (Updated: 3rd January 2022) Today is the third day of January. Usually first three days are New Year Holiday in Japan. This is post about ” How...
1 Jan, 2023
New Year’s Greeting Cards 2023 has just started! How do you spend these days? We Japanese usually send New Year’s Card to family, relatives and friends. What is “New Year’s Greeting Cards” We call...
29 May, 2022
こんにちは! Hi, how are you doing? Selamat Siang! 你们好! Reasons why you should know words often used in work If you start working in Japanese company or you have job interview for Japanese company,...
こんにちは! Hi, how are you doing? Selamat Siang! 你们好! Have you been to Japan before? If yes, how many prefectures in Japan do you know and how many prefectures have you visited? Prefectures are...
1 Jan, 2021
New Year’s Greeting Cards 2021 has just started! How do you spend these days? I got one question from my non-Japanese friend. She asked to me how to write “New Year’s Greeting Cards”. I...
23 Sep, 2019
How to call someone’s name in Japanese When you call someone’s name in Japanese, there are some words you should add with name like Mr. Ms. Miss. and Mrs. in English. Those are as...
22 Sep, 2019
Slang in Japanese There are many slangs in Japanese same as other language. You may find slang in manga, TV drama and conversation with Japanese. However, these slangs are not described in textbook though...
Top 10 popular city in world I found interesting news about tourists all over world. “Which city is popular in world?” I wrote summary in Japanese and English as bellow. Can you understand? If...
15 Sep, 2019
Conjunction 接続詞せつぞくしを勉強べんきょうしよう Conjunction (接続詞せつぞくし) works connection with sentence and sentence. Conjunction is used in written sentence and conversation as well. In English, there are some conjunctions such as “but” “and” “by the way” “In...
10 Sep, 2019
Which sports do you like and play? Basically, I like playing all kinds of sports, especially tennis, golf and swimming. I played soccer in elementary school and have played tennis since junior high until now....
9 Sep, 2019
5W1H Hi, I got question about how to use which (どれ) in Japanese. When you ask questions, you use what, who, which, whom and how in English, right? These are called 5W1H. This is...
4 Sep, 2019
What to study first for beginner Hi, recently I got many friends who just started studying Japanese language. Some just finished how to write Hiragana and Katakana. Some just started basic grammar. In this...
2 Sep, 2019
To improve listening I got question what good way is to improve listening in Japanese language. This is difficult question but I try to answer this. The reason why I think it’s difficult...
21 Aug, 2019
Useful source for study Japanese language provided by NHK I got request to introduce useful source to study Japanese language such as song and video and app. As you already know, I found one...
20 Aug, 2019
Verb conjugation(動詞どうしの活用かつよう) I think one of difficult part in Japanese is verb conjugation(動詞の活用). Conjugation is difficult word but we can say simply that “conjugation is to change form of verb”. In other language also,...
14 Aug, 2019
Country name in Japanese – 国名 Where are you from? あなたはどこから来ましたか? So far people from more than 100 countries visit this site. Thanks! You may answer to this question like this, わたしは○○から来ました。 In 〇〇,...
2 Aug, 2019
Study Japanese with Japanese song Topic for this post is learn Japanese language with Japanese songs. I interested two songs before. These are links for songs. Aomushi song Vegetable march song I believe Japanese...
31 Jul, 2019
Why do you study Japanese? I get many messages from non-Japanese saying that “I want to study Japanese. Please teach me” since 2015 when I started teaching Japanese. Thanks! Then I always ask them...
23 Jul, 2019
Which textbook is good to study Japanese language? I got questions about textbook on Japanese language. Which textbook is good? I think good textbook depends on your preference and feeling when you see book...
20 Jul, 2019
Why I teach Japanese Now I am teaching Japanese language and culture online and offline as Leo Sensei. I am native Japanese. I have my website and post articles for Japanese language learner. Also,...
Accounting consultant & Japanese language and culture teacher.
Livinig in Singapore.
I love teaching, golf, tennis, guitar, eating, drinking etc.
If you are interested in me, please become friend on Facebook or Line.