
Rabbit_年賀状_2023 0

New Year’s Greeting Card 年賀状-2023

New Year’s Greeting Cards 2023 has just started! How do you spend these days? We Japanese usually send New Year’s Card to family, relatives and friends.  What is “New Year’s Greeting Cards”  We call...

Conjunctinon 0

Conjunctions – 接続詞を勉強しよう

Conjunction 接続詞せつぞくしを勉強べんきょうしよう Conjunction (接続詞せつぞくし) works connection with sentence and sentence. Conjunction is used in written sentence and conversation as well. In English, there are some conjunctions such as “but” “and” “by the way” “In...

Tennis 0

What is the most popular sports in Japan?

Which sports do you like and play? Basically, I like playing all kinds of sports, especially tennis, golf and swimming. I played soccer in elementary school and have played tennis since junior high until now....

What to study at first for beginner 0

What to study first for beginner

What to study first for beginner Hi, recently I got many friends who just started studying Japanese language. Some just finished how to write Hiragana and Katakana. Some just started basic grammar. In this...

動詞の活用 0

Verb conjugation(動詞の活用)

Verb conjugation(動詞どうしの活用かつよう) I think one of difficult part in Japanese is verb conjugation(動詞の活用). Conjugation is difficult word but we can say simply that “conjugation is to change form of verb”. In other language also,...

Country name 3

Country name in Japanese – 国名

Country name in Japanese – 国名 Where are you from? あなたはどこから来ましたか? So far people from more than 100 countries visit this site. Thanks! You may answer to this question like this, わたしは○○から来ました。 In 〇〇,...

ウルトラマン2 0

Study Japanese with Ultraman song

Study Japanese with Japanese song Topic for this post is learn Japanese language with Japanese songs. I interested two songs before. These are links for songs. Aomushi song Vegetable march song I believe Japanese...

Why you study Japanese 3

Why do you study Japanese?

Why do you study Japanese? I get many messages from non-Japanese saying that “I want to study Japanese. Please teach me” since 2015 when I started teaching Japanese. Thanks! Then I always ask them...

Why I teach Japanese 6

Why I teach Japanese

Why I teach Japanese Now I am teaching Japanese language and culture online and offline as Leo Sensei. I am native Japanese. I have my website and post articles for Japanese language learner. Also,...