朝、昼、夜、晩 Vocabulary for time in one day

あさひるよるばん Vocabulary for time in one day

I got question about vocabulary for time in one day from guy studying Japanese.


What is different between 夜 and 晩?

And around what time 朝、昼、夕、夜、晩 show?

This is post about vocabulary for time with example sentence with native Japanese voice (my voice!)

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Meaning of each word

At first, let’s check meaning of each related word.


あさ morning, until noon

ひる around noon, from noon to until around 2pm

ゆう evening (often used as 夕方ゆうがた), until sunset

よる night

ばん night (early night), a few hours later from sunset


午前ごぜん in morning

午後ごご in afternoon


早朝そうちょう early morning

深夜しんや deep night


What is different between 夜 and 晩?

夜 means night after sunset to sunrise.

晩 originally means time around sunset, around time we cannot see sun.

In short, both 夜 and 晩 mean night, however, 夜 covers wider time range than 晩 and 晩 is often used when you describe early night time.

So both often have same meaning and can be replaced but sometimes 夜 covers wider meaning.



Here are some examples.


Example a)



Both sentences mean “Marco watches TV every night”. 夜 and 晩 have same meaning.

How was this post?


Example b)


This sentence means “I have meeting at 2pm today”.


Example c)


This sentence means “ I work from early morning to deep night”.


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This is post about other greetings

Greeting① – あいさつ(こんにちは, さようなら etc.) with native Japanese voice


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