Particle – “か(ka)”

Particle – “か(ka)”

In this session, let’s study particles added at the end of sentence.

“か(ka)”. This is often used for question.

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① Question

The particle “か(ka)” at the end of sentence indicates the preceding sentence to be an question. You do not need to add question mark like English, just add “か(ka)” at the end of sentence if you want to ask something.


Ex a)


(konsyuumatsu wa nani wo shimasu ka

“か(ka)” indicates this preceding sentence to be an question. This means  “What will you do this weekend?” in English.


② Alternative

The particle “か(ka)” marks an alternative. It is equivalent to “or” in English.


Ex b)


(konban wa sushi ka tenpura wo tabetai)

“か(ka)” indicates alternative sushi either tenpura.  In English, “I wanna eat sushi or tenpura tonight”



“か(ka)” has question and alternative meanings.

This  particle often comes at the end of sentence.


How was this post?

And this is Particle General – 助詞(Jyoshi) まとめ

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