To pass interview for entering to Japanese company

To pass interview for entering to Japanese company


I had teaching session on interview for entering Japanese company to my non-Japanese friends in Jakarta. They will have job interviews at job fair. I taught them the frequent questions and some tips for the interviews based on experience.

I heard working at Japanese companies are popular among non-Japanese students. I wanna write about frequent questions and some tips on job interview.  Please note these are based on my personal thoughts and experience.

job interview

Here is post about Working for Japanese company

The features of Japanese companies

At first, you should know the features of Japanese companies before taking job interviews. Discipline, punctuality and long-time relation are key features.



Japanese companies try to follow rules, for example, law, regulation, internal rule, actual case in the past. 

In other words, they are very strict compliance and following internal rule.



Japanese companies try to keep time. Meeting deadline is must. Come to office before business hour starts is must.


Long-time relation:

Japanese companies prefer long-time relation with business partner, employees, customers and vendors. They do not like cut manpower in short time compared with Western companies.


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Frequent questions

Considering these features, please prepare these questions in job interview before taking interview.


Please introduce yourself

You should answer your name, where you are from and university, your major and reason why you apply to that company and so on. Introduction should not be too long. Interviewer will ask you many questions after introduction.


Please tell me your work experience

If you have former job, you should explain your experience, role and the reason why you choose and quit.


What is the reason you choose this company?

 All interviewers will ask you. You should prepare for the answer. 


Why do you want to quit former company?

Job hopper is not welcomed by Japanese companies because they prefer long-term relation. However, if he or she is capable enough and there is reason, no problem.


Please tell me your strength and weakness

You should add how you will overcome your weakness.


What is your career plan?

This should be matched with that company’s vision or business.


What will you bring to this company? If we hire you, what is our benefit?

This relates with your strong point. You should explain strong point at first and then explain what you can do for that company.


What is “work” for you? What is the meaning of work for you?

Work is not part-time job, life in university. You should have responsibility on your duty. Company wants to know you are serious about job.


What is the important point when you work?

You can answer “getting money”. But I can’t assure you will pass the interview with that answer.


What are your recent interesting matters other than work?

Company wants to know your interest and personality. They are important when you work together.


Please tell the impressive book you have read before

This question is to know your way of thinking and your value.


How do people around you think about you?

This is objective analysis from third person.


Do you take interview other than this company?

You should answer “Your company is in my first priority. But I want to take other companies to compare.” If you will take other interviews.


What is your standard to choose company?

This question is to know your way of thinking and your value.


How much do you need for job?

Best answer is “I will follow your standard.” I think. You can answer 10,000 USD per month. But you need to explain how valuable you are to the company.


Please tell me about your hobby

Company wants to know your interest and personality. “I love Japanese manga especially …” is ok.


What did you dedicate yourself in university?

Collaboration with other persons for some activities is good example. If you can answer what you learned and what difficulty was, that is appealing to interviewer.


Do you have any question about company?

This question is very very important. Company wants to know your interest to that company and your logical thinking.


(If you are woman, they may ask you)

Our company is busy, are you ok for working overtime and on weekend?


Do you want to keep working even after marriage and having kids?

Some Japanese woman quit job after marriage. 


(Funny questions)

I heard some funny questions in Japan.

These questions are really asked by interviewer.


How did you come here (interview place)?

You should answer in order so that interviewer can easily understand.

This question is aimed to know how easy and logically you can explain to others.


Other tips

It depends on job requirement but you do not need to be able to speak Japanese. But if you can, it will be big plus. Only greeting is ok. You should use Japanese phrases in the interview.

If you have work experience before, interviewer will ask you more about your former job.


These questions are frequent one only. There are more questions you should prepare for the answer. If you need my support, please contact me.

Please prepare your answers to questions beforehand so that you will not be nervous in job interview and pass it successfully.

In fact, job interview starts before interview!!


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More info about Japanese Company.

Working for Japanese companies

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3 Responses

  1. yamin says:

    Every body can get knowledge about Japanese company interview. Nice question and prefect

  2. Zhabel says:

    Very informative. Especially now im applying in a Japanese company

  3. joylin says:

    ありがとう ございます… this article was really of great help to me…

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