Particle – “から(kara)”, “まで(made)”, “までに(madeni)” and “より(yori)” with native Japanese voice

In this session, let’s study “から(kara)”, “まで(made)”, “までに(madeni)” and “より(yori)”.

These are used when you compare something with other thing, when you explain you will go from where to where etc. Very useful. 

I made example with native Japanese voice (my voice!).

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Starting point

The particle “から(kara)” shows a starting point. It is equivalent to “from” in English.


Ex a)


(kono shinkanse wa Tokyo kara Osaka made ikimasu)

 “から(kara)” shows Tokyo is a starting point. In English, This bullet train runs from Tokyo to Osaka.




The particle “まで(made)” shows destination. It is equivalent to “up to”, “until” or “as far as” in English.


Ex b)


(kono shinkanse wa Tokyo kara Osaka made ikimasu)

 “まで(made)” shows Osaka is a ending point. In English,  This bullet train runs from Tokyo to Osaka.


“までに(made ni)” 

Time limit

The particle “までに(made ni)” shows time limit. This is similar with “まで(made)” but with different meaning. It is equivalent to “by” in English.


Ex c)


(kono shigoto wo goji madeni owarasete kudasai)

 “までに(made ni) ” shows time limit is 5 o’clock. In English, Please finalize this work by 5 o’clock.



The particle “より(yori)” shows the preceding noun or verb shows the measure for comparison. It is equivalent to “than” in English.


Ex d)


(Sesil san ha watashi yori se ga takai)

“より(yori)” shows preceeding word(watashi) shows object for comparison. In English, Sesil is taller than I.



“から(kara)” is used for starting point.

“まで(made)” has meaning of destination.

“までに(madeni)” show time limit.

“より(yori)” means comparison.

So much for particle series in 9 posts with 19 particles.

This is summary post for particles if you want to know more about other particles.

Particle General – 助詞(Jyoshi)まとめ

There are more particles and each particle has more meanings.

I just pick up some important particle and meaning. 


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