Conjunction 接続詞を勉強しよう
Conjunction (接続詞) works connection with sentence and sentence.
Conjunction is used in written sentence and conversation as well.
In English, there are some conjunctions such as “but” “and” “by the way” “In the end” and so on. Japanese language also has some conjunctions. I think there are more conjunctions in Japanese than in English.
If you understand conjunctions, you can understand meaning of sentence more easily.
Also, if you can use conjunctions well, your speaking and writing will be more understandable for others.
Conjunctions example
These are conjunctions list by category often used in Japanese.
No. | Type in JP | Type and explanation in En | Conjunction in JP | Conjunction in En |
1 | 順接 | Resultative What follows is a result of the preceding |
それで、だから、そこで、すると etc | So、Therefore、And、Then etc |
2 | 逆接 | Contradictory What follows is a contrastive situation or result of the preceding |
しかし、だが、だけど、けれども、ところが etc | But、However etc |
3 | 並立・添加 | Additional conjunction Add more information or further explanation |
また、そして、なお、そのうえ etc | And、In addition etc |
4 | 対比・選択 | Giving choice Giving choice from preceding sentence and following sentence |
それとも、または、もしくは etc | Or etc |
5 | 説明・補足 | Giving reason or cause Giving reason or cause of preceding sentence |
つまり、なぜなら、すなわち etc | Because、as、in other words etc |
6 | 転換 | Change topics | ところで、され、では etc | By the way etc |
Characteristics of conjunctions
These are more tips about conjunctions
- Conjunctions are in Hiragana
- Conjunctions are often used in top of sentence
In JLPT test, there is reading section and conjunctions are important to understand meaning of sentences and topic in reading.
Examples in sentences
Here are examples in sentences.
Can you understand what type of conjunctions are used and meaning of sentences?
① きのうは雨がたくさん降った。そのため、道路がまだぬれている。
It rained a lot yesterday. So road is still wet.
It rained a lot yesterday. But it is very fine today.
It rained a lot yesterday. Because typhoon has hit here.
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