Category: Language

Word order 0

Word Order 語順 in Japanese language

Word order 語順ごじゅん This session’s topic is “word order”, how words are placed in sentences. In JLPT test, there is 読解どっかい(reading) test. To find correct answer to question, you need to understand meaning of...

Casual Polite 0

Polite / Casual style in Japanese language

In this session, I wanna explain about polite and casual style in conversation. (respect form is in other article) There are two types of style in Japanese, polite and casual style. Casual style is...

N4 0

JLPT N4 point summary (Grammar)

JLPT N4 point summary (Grammar) If you study Japanese language, you may hear about JLPT once at least and target as one of your goal. JLPT is short for Japanese Language Proficiency Test, 日本語能力試験にほんごのうりょくしけん...


JLPT N5 point summary (Grammar)

JLPT N5 point summary (Grammar) If you study Japanese language, you may hear about JLPT once at least and target as one of your goal. JLPT is short for Japanese Language Proficiency Test, 日本語能力試験にほんごのうりょくしけん...

時計 0

朝、昼、夜、晩 Vocabulary for time in one day

朝あさ、昼ひる、夜よる、晩ばん Vocabulary for time in one day I got question about vocabulary for time in one day from guy studying Japanese. What is different between 夜 and 晩? And around what time 朝、昼、夕、夜、晩 show?...

鎌倉 鶴岡八幡宮 0

Particle – “を (wo)”

Particle – “を (wo)” In this session, let’s study “を(wo)”. “を(wo)” is also very important since this shows which word or phrase is object in the sentence. “を(wo)” has mainly two meanings, object and...

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Particle General – 助詞 (Jyoshi) まとめ

I believe particle is very difficult for Japanese language learner since there are many kinds of particle and many usages for each particle. Also, we have few good Japanese textbook which explains particles in easy...