20 places to visit in Japan selected by Michelin

Hi, everyone.

According to news, more than 12 million people visited Japan from foreign countries from January to August in 2015. Thank you! I am so glad to hear that.

I am often asked where to visit in Japan from many foreign people. Actually, I visited 40 prefectures out of 47 in Japan on business trip or traveling. So I wanna recommend some my favorite places.

Before that, I wanna mention about 20 places to visit in Japan selected by Michelin. Michelin, which is French tire macufacturing company, announces places to visit as well as restaurants to visit every year. How many places have you visited in this list?? I have visited 9 red-colored places out of 20 places..

No. Place name in Japanese Prefecture in Japanese Place name in English Prefecture in English
知床国立公園 北海道 Shiretoko National Park Hokkaido
中尊寺 岩手 Cyusonji Iwate
松島 宮城 Matsushima Miyagi
日光 栃木 Nikkou Tochigi
明治神宮 東京 Meiji Shrine Tokyo
高尾山 東京 Mt. Takao Tokyo
鎌倉 神奈川 Kamakura Kanagawa
富士山 山梨 Mt. Fuji Yamanashi
松本城 長野 Matsumoto Castle Nagano
兼六園 石川 Kenrokuen Ishikawa
白川郷 岐阜 Shirakawagou Gifu
高山 岐阜 Takayama Gifu
伊勢神宮 三重 Ise Shrine Mie
東大寺 奈良 Toudai temple Nara
京都 京都 Kyoto Kyoto
高野山 和歌山 Kouyasan Wakayaama
姫路城 兵庫 Himeji Castle Hyogo
宮島 広島 Miyajima Hiroshima
屋久島 鹿児島 Yaku Island Kagoshima
石垣島 沖縄 Ishigaki Island Okinawa


(I wonder why no place in Kyusyu Island is selected, but these places are worth visiting. )

In this 20 places, I reccomend Kamakura(No.⑦) because there are many historical temples and shrines including big Buddah, which you can enter inside of this Buddah and nice beach in Kamakura. It is one and half hour from Tokyo bu train. I often visited Kamakura when I lived in Tokyo.

Personaly, I recommend Karuizawa in Nagano near Matsumoto(No.⑨). There are big outlet shopping  mall, delicious soba noodle, cozy inn and cool weather. John Lennon loved Karuizawa and he often visited this cozy place with his wife, Yoko Ono. It is only one hour from Tokyo by train.

If you want me to recommend where to visit in Japan, please contact me!

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