Category: Column

Tennis 0

What is the most popular sports in Japan?

Which sports do you like and play? Basically, I like playing all kinds of sports, especially tennis, golf and swimming. I played soccer in elementary school and have played tennis since junior high until now....

adventure 0

Introduction about yourself in interview or resume

Introduction about yourself in interview or resume I wrote introduction about yourself in conversation in Japanese language before. Typical phrases – Introduction and “How are you?” with native Japanese voice Today I got request...

阿波踊り_1 0

Summer Festivals 祭りin Japan

Summer Festivals 祭まつりin Japan Last weekend I went to Jakarta in Indonesia to see 縁日祭えんにちさい Ennichisai. I saw many people and enthusiastic 和太鼓わだいこ Japanese drums show. I heard this year is 10th anniversary and...

Beniton 0

My recommended reasonable restaurant in Japan

My recommended reasonable restaurant in Japan I posted article about Michelin guide book in Tokyo before. Previous post about Three starred restaurants by Michelin in Tokyo . The restaurant in the book is worth...

Shinkansen osaka 0

Shinkansen (Bullet Train) – 新幹線

I know one of the things that many foreign tourists want to do in Japan is to take the 新幹線しんかんせん(Shinkansen) I often used to take Shinkansen, known as bullet train, when I lived in...

こいのぼり 0

Children’s day (こどもの日)

Children’s day Now Japan has long holidays from April 27th to May 6th. This week is called “Golden week”. In this golden week, we have holiday for children. May 5th is national holiday in...

Reiwa 0

令和-Reiwa- New Imperial Era in Japan

令和れいわ-Reiwa- New Imperial Era in Japan Japanese government announced on April 1st that Japan will change imperial era from 平成へいせい(Heisei) to 令和れいわ(Reiwa). New era will start from one month later, May. In other words....

地震_亀裂 0

Preparation for natural disasters

March 11th March 11th is memorable date. Big earth quake hit in Japan on March 11th, 2011. You might watch many tragedy scenes on TV such as tsunami, melt-down nuclear power plant. But not...

Sakura Osaka castle 0

Sakura season (Cherry Blossoms)

Sakura Season In Japan, Cherry blossom(桜さくら, Sakura) will be full bloom this month. Earth communication Provider(日本気象株式会社) announced cherry blossom forecast on March 7th. This is latest forecast when cherry blossoms will be fully open...

1362195044471 2

Working for Japanese companies

Work for Japanese company Hi, this is Leo sensei. I directly teach Japanese language to some “students” on face to face. I often ask them “Why do you want to study Japanese?” Some answers...

job interview 3

To pass interview for entering to Japanese company

To pass interview for entering to Japanese company Hi. I had teaching session on interview for entering Japanese company to my non-Japanese friends in Jakarta. They will have job interviews at job fair. I...

Sea Oita 0

Earthquake and hometown

Earthquake and hometown Hi, how are you doing? I stay in Oita in Kyushu Island in Japan now. Oita is my hometown. I came back to Oita City from Jakarta last Tuesday.   As...