
Why I teach Japanese 6

Why I teach Japanese

Why I teach Japanese Now I am teaching Japanese language and culture online and offline as Leo Sensei. I am native Japanese. I have my website and post articles for Japanese language learner. Also,...

Subject 主語 0

Subject(Personal Pronouns, 主語)

Subject (personal pronouns, 主語しゅご) – わたし(Watashi) あなた(Anata) etc In this post, let’s study subject. IN English, subject usually comes first in sentence. You can say personal pronouns such as I, you, he, she, we, they etc....

Useful info about kanji 1

Useful information about Kanji

Useful information about Kanji There are many kanji used in Japan, about 4,000 in daily life. Many non-Japanese feel difficult when studying kanji. These are tips you should know more about kanji to be more...

JLPTって何? What is JLPT_ 1

What is JLPT ?

What is JLPT? JLPT is short for Japanese Language Proficiency Test, 日本語能力試験にほんごのうりょくしけん and recognized passport to show your Japanese language ability. You may take test in July and December in many cities all over...

adventure 0

Introduction about yourself in interview or resume

Introduction about yourself in interview or resume I wrote introduction about yourself in conversation in Japanese language before. Typical phrases – Introduction and “How are you?” with native Japanese voice Today I got request...

阿波踊り_1 0

Summer Festivals 祭りin Japan

Summer Festivals 祭まつりin Japan Last weekend I went to Jakarta in Indonesia to see 縁日祭えんにちさい Ennichisai. I saw many people and enthusiastic 和太鼓わだいこ Japanese drums show. I heard this year is 10th anniversary and...

Word order 0

Word Order 語順 in Japanese language

Word order 語順ごじゅん This session’s topic is “word order”, how words are placed in sentences. In JLPT test, there is 読解どっかい(reading) test. To find correct answer to question, you need to understand meaning of...

Casual Polite 0

Polite / Casual style in Japanese language

In this session, I wanna explain about polite and casual style in conversation. (respect form is in other article) There are two types of style in Japanese, polite and casual style. Casual style is...

N4 0

JLPT N4 point summary (Grammar)

JLPT N4 point summary (Grammar) If you study Japanese language, you may hear about JLPT once at least and target as one of your goal. JLPT is short for Japanese Language Proficiency Test, 日本語能力試験にほんごのうりょくしけん...

Name 0

Naming Children in Japan

Naming Children in Japan It’s quite private things but I have two children, son and daughter. First presents to them are giving name. You may be interested in Japanese name when you have children...

Beniton 0

My recommended reasonable restaurant in Japan

My recommended reasonable restaurant in Japan I posted article about Michelin guide book in Tokyo before. Previous post about Three starred restaurants by Michelin in Tokyo . The restaurant in the book is worth...