JLPT N5 point summary (Grammar)

JLPT N5 point summary (Grammar)

If you study Japanese language, you may hear about JLPT once at least and target as one of your goal.

JLPT is short for Japanese Language Proficiency Test, 日本語能力試験にほんごのうりょくしけん and recognized passport to show your Japanese language ability. You may take test in July and December.

I have some friend studying for JLPT N5 level. (JLPT has five level category N5 to N1 and N5 is easiest one)

In this post, I will summarize points you should master for N5 in grammar area.

This is link for N4 level.

50 grammar points for N4 


Required level

At first, JLPT official website explains about requirement to pass N5 test as bellow;


” The ability to understand some basic Japanese.

  • One is able to read and understand typical expressions and sentences written in hiraganakatakana, and basic kanji
  • One is able to listen and comprehend conversations about topics regularly encountered in daily life and classroom situations, and is able to pick up necessary information from short conversations spoken slowly.

           (SO; https://www.jlpt.jp/e/about/levelsummary.html)

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50 check points for N5 level in grammar

JLPT does not officially disclose points to be studied now. However, they did until 2004.

I believe it does not change more or less even now.

These are points you should master for N5 level but this does not mean I cannot guarantee you will pass test if you completely master these points.

Let’s check your current status whether you already master or not!

For more information and example with sound, please click link (some are not updated yet. I will do that!).

No. Point Category Meaning Detail link
1 Particle object, place where motion takes place  Link
2 Particle subject, subject in a subordinate sentence  Link
3 Particle question, alternative  Link
4 から Particle starting point,   Link
5 Particle too, also, and  Link
6 まで Particle destination,   Link
7 〜な Particle prohibition (used at end of sentence)  Link
8 Particle location, indirect object, point in time  Link
9 に/へ Particle destination, direction of motion  Link
10 Particle possession, equivalent, location   Link
11 Particle link nouns in a complete list  Link
12 Particle link nouns as example  Link
13 Particle place, means, cause  Link
14 Particle subject, contrast  Link
15 だけ Particle restriction and limitation  Link
16 くらい Adverb extent, about  
17 もう〜 Adverb already  Link
18 まだ〜 Adverb not〜yet, still  Link
19 けれども Conjunction in spite of, but  
20 てから Conjunction and then, after that  
21 ので Conjunction therefore, because, as  
22 〜まえに Conjunction before  
23 だ/です Copula copula (ex. I am Japanese)  Link
24 だろう Phrasing I guess  Link
25 でしょう Phrasing I think, it will  Link
26 〜がある Phrasing There is (in case of inanimate object)  Link
27 〜がいる Phrasing There is (in case of something alive such as animal, human etc)  Link
28 ほうがいい Phrasing it’s better to, rather than  
29 〜のなかで〜がいちばん Phrasing the best 〜of〜  
30 ませんか Phrasing Shall we〜?   
31 ましょう Phrasing Let’s do  
32 ましょうか Phrasing Shall we〜?, Shall I〜?  
33 ないでください Phrasing please do not to do  
34 〜になる Phrasing change into〜  
35 〜にいく Phrasing to go to〜  
36 〜にする Phrasing I will take〜, I decide to do〜  
37 のがじょうず Phrasing be good at〜  Link
38 のがすき Phrasing like to do  
39 のがへた Phrasing be not good at〜   Link
40 したい Phrasing want to do  
41 たことがある Phrasing experience, have done  
42 〜たり〜たりする Phrasing do something and do other thing  
43 ている Phrasing I am doing  
44 てください Phrasing ask to do  
45 てもいい Phrasing you may/can do  
46 てはいけない Phrasing must not do  
47 つもりだ Phrasing I will do   
48 より~のほうが~ Phrasing comparison  Link
49 〜すぎる Phrasing do too much, too many  
50 〜なくちゃいけない Phrasing have to do  


How many points have you mastered out of 50 points?

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6 Responses

  1. Jean sanchez says:

    Thank you so mch sensei.. it’s easy to understand..i hope to see more..

  2. Tionia Kon says:

    Thank you. Very resourceful.

  3. Hello Leo Sensei , i am very happy to discover your website , your sincerity in promoting Japanese language and culture is very much appreciated , cheers ! ありがとうございます

  4. Aldo Bhary says:

    Hallo Leo sensei, thank you so much for your help. I am on my way to face the JLPT N5 test. I am so grateful to find this post.

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