Category: Column

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(J & E) Cherry Blossom Viewing-花見(Hanami)

(J & E) Cherry Blossom Viewing-花見(Hanami) (Japanese bellow) In Japan, Cherry blossom is about to be full bloom now. My sister said now is fifty-percent bloom(五分咲き,gobuzaki) in Tokyo. Japanese like cherry blossom and hold...

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Moving from Indonesia to Singapore

Moving from Indonesia to Singapore Hi. Season for Sakura is approaching! March and April is farewell and new life season in Japan since our school and company usually start new period in April and...

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Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day! How do you spend Valentine’s day?   Valentine’s Day is a special day for some women in Japan. You might have same day today in your country. I wanna introduce Japanese...

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Announcement in Train

Announcement in Train I am back to Jakarta from Japan. I went back to Japan to see my new-born son.   sponsored link   My and My wife’s hometowns are Oita and Nagasaki in...

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Graceful Monkey

Graceful Monkey Do you know Charlotte? New princess in UK?? Nooo. It’s her. Female monkey.   She was born last May in Takasakiyama Monkey Park in Oita and her name was selected by public...

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How Japanese Spend New Year holidays

How Japanese Spend New Year holidays Hi, Happy new year! Most Japanese have long holidays from end of December to January 3rd. Instead, we Japan do not have Christmas holiday like other countries. This...

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Christmas in Japan

Christmas in Japan Merry Christmas, everyone! Wish your happy Christmas! Today I wanna introduce how we Japanese celebrate this happy event.   Religion and Christmas event to Japanese First, I wanna mention about religion...

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Study in Japan (Scholarship Info etc)

Study in Japan (Scholarship Info etc) I got question from one student how to get scholarship information in Japan. So in this session I wanna write about study in Japan and scholarship information. Current...

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Cleaning up Halloween

Hi Leo Sensei dayo! Did you enjoy your Halloween last Saturday? Now I feel ashamed. I have read some news about Halloween and thought about trash.   Halloween in Shibuya Shibuya is famous place...

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Who visits Japan and How much tourist spends?

Hi, do you plan to go to Japan? How many times have you been to Japan? On October 21st, interesting survey on foreign toursit was disclosed by Japan National Tourist Organization(JNTO) and Japan Tourism Agency. ...

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Autumn Colors-紅葉(Kouyou)

Some of you may visit Japan in October and November. Autumn is very nice season for traveler to Japan because the temperature is moaderate(not hot and not too cold), some delicious foods are in best...

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Calligraphy art -書道(Syodou)

Can you read this kanji? This shows some chracter. Seems difficult, right? I also could not read this at first time. The answer is ” 和 “(わ, wa). ” 和 ” means gentle, warm,...